Executive Faculty Council

The Executive Faculty Council (EFC) is the shared-governance body charged with providing faculty input to influence decision-making surrounding non-curricular district-wide issues that affect faculty.  Its purpose is to engage faculty and other stakeholders in research and courageous discussions that lead to informed decision-making, transparency, robust communication, increased institutional engagement and trust in the decision-making process.

Guiding Priniciples

EFC is an honored space to engage in deep thinking and rich discussion leading to improved outcomes since our possibility expands as we work together to solve complex problems. In our dealings with others, we never sacrifice our goodwill and endeavor in all interactions to intentionally build positive relationships. We will work hard to deeply understand issues and share that knowledge always being mindful of the perspective of those most closely affected. We will fearlessly embrace our challenges and will faithfully communicate what we learn and decide in an easily accessible format for faculty and the public.